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Ernest Daniel Reed
• Census: Brazos CO, TX - 1900 Federal Census, 15 Jun 1900, Brazos CO, TX. 5 ED 4, sheet 9 • Census: Brazos CO, TX - 1910 Federal Census, 25 Apr 1910, Brazos CO, TX. 6 Pct. 2, E.D. 3, Sheet 4A, stamped page 128 • Civilian Draft Registration: He registered for the World War I draft, 5 Jun 1917, Harris CO, TX. 3 • Census: Harris Co, TX - 1910 Federal Census, 7 Jan 1920, Harris CO, TX. 7 Houston Ward 7, Dist 104, Sheet 9B, Stamped Pg 84 • Census: Harris Co, Tx - 1930 Federal Census, 7 Apr 1930, Harris CO, TX. 8 Houston, Dist 132, Sheet 32A, Stamped Pg 166 ![]() Ernest married Elizabeth Mildred Simmons on 23 Nov 1910 in Brazoria CO, TX.1 2 (Elizabeth Mildred Simmons was born on 27 Mar 1893 in TX and died on 1 Jan 1989 in Houston, Harris Co, TX 9.) ![]() Ernest next married Louise McElroy. (Louise McElroy was born about 1892 in MO.) |
1 Church of the Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch.org (Stalt Lake City, Prove, UT, USA), Submitted Prior to 1991. No name is given. Surety: 3.
2 Texas Research Ramblers Genealogical Society, Inc. database, Texas Research Ramblers (http://texasresearchramblers.org : accessed 28 Aug 2009), Wedding Events in Local Newspapers, 1870-1938; Brazos Daily Eagle newspaper, 20 Feb 1911. Surety: 4.
3 United Selective Service System, U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1818 (World War I Selective System Draft Registration Cards, 191 - 1918, Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Administration M1509, 4502 roools, ancestry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT, USa, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 2005), Surety: 4.
4 State of Louisiana, Secretary of State, Louisiana, U.S., Statewide Death Index, 1819 - 1964 (Division of Archives, Records Management, and History. Vital/Records Indices, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, ancestry.com (database on-line) Provo, UT, USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2022), Film # 1220771, image # 02074, ref# 1803. Surety: 4.
5 Brazos County, Texas 1900 Federal Census, ED 4, sheet 9. Surety: 4.
6 Brazos County, Texas 1910 Federal Census, Pct. 2, E.D. 3, Sheet 4A, stamped page 128. Surety: 4.
7 Harris Co. Texas 1920 Federal Census, Houston Ward 7, Dist 104, Sheet 9B, Stamped Pg 84. Surety: 3.
8 Harris County, TX - 1930 Federal Census, Houston, Dist 132, Sheet 32A, Stamped Pg 166. Surety: 3.
9 Ancestry.com, U.S. Find A Grave Index, 1600's - Current (ancertry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT., USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.), Surety: 3.
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