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Pearl Hugh Harkins
(1885-1971) |
Pearl Hugh Harkins
His World War I draft card has his date of birth as April 2, 1882. His World War II draft cards shows date of as April 2, 1886. ![]() Pearl married Marjorie Ellen Calhoun, daughter of David Anders Calhoun and Lottie Riddle, on 25 Aug 1947 in Jefferson Co., OH.1 (Marjorie Ellen Calhoun was born on 30 Mar 1895 in Mitchell Co, NC 5 6 and died on 14 Apr 1993 in Los Angeles Co., CA 5.) |
1 Ancestry.com, "Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993" (ancestry.com, (database on-llne), Provo, UT, USA, Ancaetry.com Operations, Inc.), Surety: 3.
2 ancestry.com, "Ohio, U.S., Births and Chritenings Index, 1774 - 1973" (ancestry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT, USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.), Surety: 3.
3 United Selective Service System, U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1818 (World War I Selective System Draft Registration Cards, 191 - 1918, Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Administration M1509, 4502 roools, ancestry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT, USa, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 2005), Surety: 3.
4 World War II Draft Registration Cards 1942, microfilm publication Records of the Selective Service System (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, ancestry.com (database on-line), Lehi, UT, USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011). Surety: 3.
5 Ancestry.com, U.S. Find A Grave Index, 1600's - Current (ancertry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT., USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.), Surety: 3.
6 Register of Deeds, North Carolina Birth Indexes, "North Carolina, U.S., Birth Indexes, 1800 - 2000" (Raleigh, NC, Ancestry.com (database on line), Provo, UT, USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2005), Surety: 4.
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This Web Site was Created 28-Jun-2023 with Legacy 9.0 from Millennia