Howard Rominger Hamm
(1912-1975) |
Howard Rominger Hamm
- Born: 6 Aug 1912, Russell Co., VA 1 2
- Died: Mar 1975, Allegahany Co., PA at age 62 2
Virginia Department of Health, "In the Virgiia, U.S., Birth Records, 1912 - 2015, Delayed Birth Records, 1721 - 1920" (Richamond, Virginia, Ancestry.com (database on-line), Lehi, UT, USA, Ancestry.com Operatons, Inc.), Surety: 3.
Social Securtiy Administration, U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935 - 2014 (Washington D.C., USA, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry.com (on-line database), Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, 2014), Surety: 3.