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This Web Site was Created 28-Jun-2023 with Legacy 9.0 from Millennia
Josephine Harvile
(1896-1914) |
Josephine Harvile
![]() Josephine married Arthur Dehart, son of William Jackson Dehart and Florora A. Boatwright.1 (Arthur Dehart was born on 18 Mar 1892 in TX,2 3 died on 7 Nov 1918 in Deptartment de Ardennes, Champagne-Ardene, France 3 and was buried in Romagne-sous-Montdaucon, Department de la Meuse, Lorraine, France 3.) |
1 Patrick Dehart, [(E-ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE),] to Don Reed, e-mail, 2-Jun-2013, "Visitor comment"; privately held by Reed [(E-ADDRESS), & STREET ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE, ]. Surety: 4.
2 United Selective Service System, U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1818 (World War I Selective System Draft Registration Cards, 191 - 1918, Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Administration M1509, 4502 roools, ancestry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT, USa, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 2005), Surety: 3.
3 Ancestry.com, U.S. Find A Grave Index, 1600's - Current (ancertry.com (database on-line), Provo, UT., USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.), Surety: 3.
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This Web Site was Created 28-Jun-2023 with Legacy 9.0 from Millennia